Restrictions when travelling in EU/EEA countries

Permanent residence or permanent relationship. You can use the mobile services provided by the payment plan when travelling in EU/EEA countries based on the terms and tariffs described in the plan, if you have permanent residence/commercial activity in Lithuania, or have a regular relationship with Lithuania, which involves frequent and long sojourns in the territory of Lithuania. In order to prevent abuse or unusual use of services, where it is not related to periodic travel, we may ask you to provide evidence that you are resident /engaged in commercial activities in Lithuania or have regular relations with Lithuania. If you do not provide satisfactory proof, your use of mobile services when travelling in EU/EEA countries will be charged at the wholesale prices of regulated roaming services for private or business customers.

Data ceiling. Not valid with Lengviau plans for private customer, which offer a fixed amount of data for browsing in the EU. The ceiling shall apply to other plans in cases where the monthly fee for a payment plan or additional data package provides an unlimited amount of data or where the price per GB of data is lower than the maximum wholesale data transmission price allowed in the EU / EEA countries for retail or corporate customers. The ceiling is calculated by dividing the monthly fee of the payment plan or additional data package by the maximum wholesale price per GB (€3.025 for private customers, €2.50 for business customers) and then multiplying the amount received by two.

For example, for private customers: using a payment plan with unlimited number of minutes, text messages and 15 GB for a fee of €21/month (including VAT), when travelling in EU/EEA countries and applying the RRT approved surcharge, you can use 13.88 GB ((21 / 3.025) x 2). Each additional megabyte, until the 15 GB provided by the payment plan has been used up, will be charged at the wholesale regulated roaming prices in force at that time. If the full amount of data specified in the payment plan is used up, an additional 1 GB is available for €3.85 (incl. VAT), which is also subject to the data ceiling formula. When applying the formula, and travelling in EU / EEA countries, you will get 2.55 GB ((3.85 / 3.025) x 2) of data at the RRT-approved surcharge.

For example, for business customers: using a payment plan with unlimited minutes, text messages, and 25 GB for €30/month (excluding VAT), when travelling in EU/EEA countries and subject to an RRT-approved surcharge, you can use 24 GB ((30 / 2.50) x 2). Each additional megabyte, until the 20 GB provided by the payment plan has been used up, will be charged at the wholesale regulated roaming prices in force at that time. If the full amount of data specified in the payment plan is used up, an additional 1 GB is available for €3.00 (excl. VAT), which is also subject to the data ceiling formula. Once applied, when travelling in EU/EEA countries, you can use the full amount of the additional data package, i.e. 2.4 GB ((3 / 2.50) x 2), at the RRT-approved surcharge.

Volume of roaming use and duration of stay in other EU / EEA countries. If, within a 4-month period, based on the traffic data processed, we notice that:

– you use more minutes, SMS/MMS or data in EU/EEA countries than in Lithuania, and at the same time

– you spend more time in EU/EEA countries than in Lithuania,

subsequent use of services in EU/EEA countries from the date of the notice will be charged at the then current wholesale regulated roaming prices for private or business customers, unless the situation changes within the 14-day notice period.

– For example, if a subscriber has used 200 minutes in a 4-month period, of which more than 100 minutes have been used in other EU/EEA countries, and has spent more than 2 months in other EU/EEA countries, such use of services will be treated as abuse, and the additional minutes, SMS and megabytes used while travelling in EU/EEA countries will be charged from the date of the notice at the then current wholesale regulated prices for services abroad for private or business customers if this situation does not change within the 14 day notice period.

Days when the subscriber was connected to a mobile network in Lithuania, irrespective of the duration of the connection, are counted as time of stay in Lithuania. Days when you are not connected to any network (e.g. your device is switched off) are not counted in the calculation of the length of stay in Lithuania and other EU/EEA countries. Use of the services or stay in non-EU / EEA countries is equivalent to the use of the services or stay in Lithuania.

The use of roaming services may also be subject to wholesale charges for regulated roaming services in force at that time for private or business customers from the date of the notice, provided the situation does not change during the 14-day notice period and in cases where the same person has more than one subscriber and uses multiple SIM cards for roaming services.

Organised resale. If we discover that SIM cards are being resold in an organised manner to persons not residing in Lithuania and not having other fixed connection to Lithuania, we may take immediate measures, such as restricting the use of services or charging the prices of services used in the EU/EEA countries at the then current wholesale prices for regulated roaming services for private or business customers.

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